flooded out by my neighbors sprinklers
(live in florida) the lake is the property of the homeowners that surround it, approximately 75 of us. it is used by all for water to sprinkle lawns. as you walk or drive around the circle of the neighborhood early in the morning, you can see damp areas where homeowners have had their sprinkers on and they've hit the street in front of their swale area (owned by the city, maintained by each homeowner). these people run their sprinklers for a reasonable amount of time per cycle and so it does not appear there are any problems. there is one other area i see a flooding problem.
my neighbor runs his sprinklers every night, which is a lawn maintenence 'no-no', and apparently runs them for very long cycles. thus, flooding the street and my swale causing the swamp situation. it makes it very difficult to reach my mailbox which, as per postal regulations for my area, is required to be mounted at the street. it also makes it difficult to put out my trash can for city pickup, again, as per regulations is required to be put at the street. i need rubbers to wade through the water (not quite, but almost).
when asked, the neighbor has refused to change or modify his sprinkler habit and insisted we call the city as it was their fault the drainage was not proper. he did not seem to appreciate it when the city made him cut down the hedge he also refused to maintain insisting WE cut it when i pointed that out to code enforcement. apparently he also does not have an occupational license for the business he runs out of his home. why does he want me to call the city???