My husband and I live in Missouri. But court procedings took place in Phoenix, Arizona. Where mother and child are presumed to live. Three years ago he found out he had a 10 year old daughter. He went through the paternity testing to establish paternity. His wife at the time "didn't like the idea". So he has no papers showing anything, paternity, court records, etc. He is paying child support, but still has no way of finding out where the child is and how to have contact with her. He has tried to get the info through the lawyers, but they say they can't give it out. How does he go about finding his child and being able to have a relationship with her. She is now 13, and time is slipping by. I have two children, a daughter the same age as his, a son two years younger, and he is a wonderful father who deserves to be able to be a part of his childs life. Any help on this matter would be grately appreciated.