What is the name of your state? MD hi I bought a used 98 neon from a dealership. As i was driving I noticed some problems in the paint. So I decided to ask my neighbor who worked for a car dealership and owned cars. He told me the front panel front bumper and door had all been replaced. I am pretty sure the dealer knew this he just hid it from me. Verytrime I try to ask him about it he ignores me. Also I found out too that the car had a broken trans mount which I belive was caused by the accident. I told the dealer he said he would have hsi inspoector look at it who alredy passed it broken. He then said still there was nothing wrong with it. They both now were lying the butts off too me. So i was like I am not oing to tkae this so I got it inspected by someone else and it failed becasue of the trans moutn being broken. Also becasue the door was not alligned right and it was jammed and I could not get in or out of it. Do i have any rights. Doesnt the dealer have to disclose an accident if he knows about it. Also shouldnt the inspection station be liable for ot checking the car right a second time to make sure i was right by saying the trans moutn was brokem instead of telling me off anf telling me I have a bad attitude.
I need help right away becasue i am afraid if I wait to long I will be out of luck
I need help right away becasue i am afraid if I wait to long I will be out of luck