What is the name of your state? Virginia
My boyfriend and I were in a car accident on AUG 1, 2004. The other person who hit us was in fault and that was clearly stated on the police report. Nevertheless, his insurance co. was claiming only 80% of the charges saying that we were 20% in fault, for no reason. After a lot of phone calls they decided to pay 100% of the damage. So my bf took the car to the body shop and in the mean time rented a car for his daily needs. The body shop took a while to fix the car and by the time they were done the insurance co. had not payed for the damages yet. They refused to give the car back unless someone paid. After a while they paid part of the cost and asked my bf to pay a part of it and they would reimburse him later. That cost has not been reimbursed as of today and the insurance co. paid only 10 days of the rental car saying that that was the time that it should have taken the body shop te fix the car. These people are hard to get in touch with and also very unprofesional. They simply refuse to colaborate. We contacted a lawyer and he persued the case but the ins. co refuses to pay anything. The lawyer advised us to take this to a small claims court.
Is the ins. co suposed to pay for all the rental cost till the day that my bf got the car back from the body shop, or not? And, should we take this to a small claims court?
Thank you,
My boyfriend and I were in a car accident on AUG 1, 2004. The other person who hit us was in fault and that was clearly stated on the police report. Nevertheless, his insurance co. was claiming only 80% of the charges saying that we were 20% in fault, for no reason. After a lot of phone calls they decided to pay 100% of the damage. So my bf took the car to the body shop and in the mean time rented a car for his daily needs. The body shop took a while to fix the car and by the time they were done the insurance co. had not payed for the damages yet. They refused to give the car back unless someone paid. After a while they paid part of the cost and asked my bf to pay a part of it and they would reimburse him later. That cost has not been reimbursed as of today and the insurance co. paid only 10 days of the rental car saying that that was the time that it should have taken the body shop te fix the car. These people are hard to get in touch with and also very unprofesional. They simply refuse to colaborate. We contacted a lawyer and he persued the case but the ins. co refuses to pay anything. The lawyer advised us to take this to a small claims court.
Is the ins. co suposed to pay for all the rental cost till the day that my bf got the car back from the body shop, or not? And, should we take this to a small claims court?
Thank you,