i was in a accident with 5 cars and i was the 4 car it was a domino affect. the 2 car was cited for the accident. there company told me today they were not liable for mine or the 2 other cars. what can i do to get my car fixed by there insurane company. it was in georgia car #1 stopped car #2 hit car #1 and then #3 hit #2, #4 hit #3 and #5 hit #4
i was in a accident with 5 cars and i was the 4 car it was a domino affect. the 2 car was cited for the accident. there company told me today they were not liable for mine or the 2 other cars. what can i do to get my car fixed by there insurane company. it was in georgia car #1 stopped car #2 hit car #1 and then #3 hit #2, #4 hit #3 and #5 hit #4. car #2 admited to not paying attention. car #3 may have told the insurance company that she was hit into #2 but she did hit car #2 first. i think this might have something to do with it. also will my insurance company fight for me to fix my car by the at fault driver.
Were you totally stopped when you were hit?
You are also numbering the cars wrong. If all the cars were in a row, then the last car in the line is #1. And if all the other cars were stopped, then that car is liable for ALL the repairs. But they won't be able to make any payment until all the bills are received so that they can be sure the policy limits are sufficient to cover it. So what reason are they giving you for not being liable?
If you have collision coverage, you can definitely turn it over to your insurance company and let them worry about recovering from the at-fault party.
Now, if there were multiple impacts and multiple at-fault vehicles, the whole thing is going to be horrifically complicated to figure out.
Also, posting with sentences (including punctuation and capital letters) and paragraphs makes your posts MUCH easier to read.
Yes, that would generally be true...seems simple, they were all following too close and/or going to fast, 2 is at fault to 1, 3 is at fault to 2, 4 is at fault to 3, and 5 is at fault to 4.