What is the name of your state?OHIO My question is about car insurance contracts.My old insurance company had sent me a letter of cancelation of my car insurance for non payment and sent my check back with it. I have done business with them for about 5 years they insured my cars and home.The way they bill always irratated me because the cars insurance was due about the time I would recieve my house insurance and I always waited for the house insurance bill so I could write one check.I always round up my payments so if the bill was 535.15 I would send 550.00.Usaully I would end up with a 5.00 reinstatment fee but I just want to send one check.Anyways when they canceled my car insurance and sent back my check it would make my house insurance late that was the last straw.So I went to a different insurance carrier who bills both at the same time.Recently I recieved a bill from them stating I owe them for 3 months of insurance from 9/16 to 12/16. wrote them back explaining they cancelled my insurance so how is that possible?and had already had insurance at another company as of 9/17.Then I get a call from a collection agency about this matter I explained to them I never asked for reinstatment and owe them nothing also my original contract states once I insure my car with any other insurance my insurance automatically cancels as of that date.I sent them my new declaration page from my insurance company showing I had new insurance already.Can they collect on this insurance that I never reinstated or asked for?