I have a web site that features my own personal collection of illegal copies of toys. I received an email from an attorney representing one of the toy manufacturers. In the letter, they expressed that I am selling these toys. Nowhere on my site do I state that the toys are for sale. As a matter of fact, they are not.
The letter I received leads me to believe that I am to quit offering the toys for sale. I am not sure if the attorney expects me to remove the pictures of the toys.
I just placed a disclaimer stating that the toys are part of my own collection and not for sale. I also stated that I do not condone the maunufacture, distribution or sale of these types of toys.
My question is, would I still have to remove the pictures of the toys? The toys belong to me. I own them. They are not for sale. Do I have any leg to stand on?
Here is the web site url: http://www.bootlegactionfigures.com
The letter I received leads me to believe that I am to quit offering the toys for sale. I am not sure if the attorney expects me to remove the pictures of the toys.
I just placed a disclaimer stating that the toys are part of my own collection and not for sale. I also stated that I do not condone the maunufacture, distribution or sale of these types of toys.
My question is, would I still have to remove the pictures of the toys? The toys belong to me. I own them. They are not for sale. Do I have any leg to stand on?
Here is the web site url: http://www.bootlegactionfigures.com