My argument isn't a legal argument since the law allows interest to be charged. My problem with it is that once a NCP begins making payments on the arrears, the interest can be very counterproductive. I understand and basically agree that a CP had to do without, but, why should a CP be rewarded and recieve sometimes double the amount as would have been recieved if paid on time. Personally, I think this is one of the reasons that so many CPs refuse to try to enforce an order, because they know that if they can do it financially for awhile without CS, they can reap huge rewards later on getting interest along with the arrears. (my hubby's ex did this, but it backfired because FL law allows for CSE to waive interest, which they did because she actually admitted that all she wanted was all the extra added).
Personally, I think interest should accrue only up to the time that a NCP begins making payments, then the future interest should be abated, until of course the NCP stops paying again, then it can accrue again. But, that is only my opinion based on what I think is fair and just.