John Ash
Hi,I am in Florida.I recently bought a watch on the internet for $2450.It was bought from a man and his wife.The wife mailed it via Fedex under her name,under her account.Fedex lost the watch and even though the seller thought it was insured for $2500,it was not because Fedex has a limit of liability for $500 on jewelry.The seller went to court with Fedex and the court ruled in Fedex's favor and paid the seller $500.The seller lives in California.Do I have a case against the seller for the loss?Should it be done through small claims court?If so,how is this done?Also,recently,the husband and wife seperated and filed for divorce.The husband is now in Chicago.Do I also need to sue him,or since the wife handled the mailing and insuring of the package,sue her?Also,when I made a gesture to the husband that if he incrued any expenses such as phone calls persuing Fedex,that he could keep that money out of the $500 that he received from Fedex,he took it upon himself to cash and keep ALL the money!Please help!John