I am in Florida. Does an internship count towards FMLA?
I had an internship with a company, where I worked full time hours, and worked for over one year. Now I work full time for the same company, through a staffing agency. Am I able to be covered under FMLA? Because the website I linked https//www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and- samples/hr-qa/pages/timespentastemp.aspx in addition to 'FMLA regulation 825.106, which pertains to joint employment, applies. The regulation in paragraph b1 states A determination of whether or not a joint employment relationship exists is not determined by the application of any single criterion, but rather the entire relationship is to be viewed in its totality. For example, joint employment will ordinarily be found to exist when a temporary placement agency supplies employees to a second employer.' The original company constantly uses the same staffing agency to hire employees again from intern to employee status. As from reading that, it sounds as if the time from being an intern and working over one year SHOULD count towards FMLA eligiblity. Can you please confirm or deny this? Thanks.
I had an internship with a company, where I worked full time hours, and worked for over one year. Now I work full time for the same company, through a staffing agency. Am I able to be covered under FMLA? Because the website I linked https//www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and- samples/hr-qa/pages/timespentastemp.aspx in addition to 'FMLA regulation 825.106, which pertains to joint employment, applies. The regulation in paragraph b1 states A determination of whether or not a joint employment relationship exists is not determined by the application of any single criterion, but rather the entire relationship is to be viewed in its totality. For example, joint employment will ordinarily be found to exist when a temporary placement agency supplies employees to a second employer.' The original company constantly uses the same staffing agency to hire employees again from intern to employee status. As from reading that, it sounds as if the time from being an intern and working over one year SHOULD count towards FMLA eligiblity. Can you please confirm or deny this? Thanks.