A daycare is neither a primary or secondary school. A daycare doesn't have a dismissal time. Children are retrieved when their parent gets off of work, or school, or whatever.
Are you trying to determine if you can pick your child up before 6:00pm on your visitation days?
No, our order has pickups at the homes at 6pm. I only get her one weekend during his month. But under conservators it talks about what each of us are appointed ("the right to recieve info concerning the education, health and welfare", "to confer with the other parent" "consult with school officials" "to attend school activities" "to be designated on any records" I'm sure you get my drift. So it talks about "school" alot and what rights I have. But the last few yrs we've had issues with her at daycare. The first yr I asked him if I could visit and he lied to me (saying it was against their policy) then changed it and said how they told him I tried to pick her up, he threatened me with the police. Then the following yr when I dropped her off after my weeknd I told him (and her) that I'd call more and visit her at her school. He didnt say anything. After I visited her at the school (a different one, and they were fine with it) he called me up really mad and told me not to go back or they'd call the police. Last yr he didnt' even tell me she was going to daycare, and so far this year he hasn't given me any info about where she'll be going. Her first experience at school (the first yr she went, when she was 3) she had a accident and was so upset (she talked about it the next year also) and he never even told me about it.
I just want to know what my rights are. She started prek last yr, and I made sure to tell him about all their activities so he would have the option of going. Even though I hated him there. I even gave him school pictures (for him and his brother and 2 sisters) plus the number incase he wanted to order more. He never even thanked me.
She doesn't like going over there, I hear more and more about things that upset me and her. This past weekend she came home with no undies, and told me how her father wouldn't let her wear any undies all wekend because he doesn't want to wash them. Healso told her, her smile isn't pretty. How can he say that.
sorry, more info then u all probably wanted