It is possible, depending on the importance of the matter, to audit and verify the integrity and authenticity of email. This is done by tracking the email using the message ID data and following it back to the original sending ISP address. Then that ISP would have to review their logs to determine who was using that address at the time, thereby determining the actual sender. The courts would then, once the email sender had been verified, be able to validate the binding contractual obligation of the email. Making it just as binding as a signed document.
However, if the sender used a generally available or unassigned terminal (like a library or university), then the writer would not be verifiable, breaking the chain.
Bottom line.... if you are going to do any illegal computer acts, or make any stupid contractual obligations by email, do them from the library, or an enemies house!
Steve Halket
Judgment Recovery of Houston
[email protected]
This is my PERSONAL OPINION and is not legal advice! Consult your local attorney for your specific situation and laws!