What is the name of your state? alabama
my ex is taking me back to court for MORE MONEY and i want to know if there is any other factors other than income that could help me understand an increase.
We both make about 4000 a month GROSS and and bring home about 2700 . i give her 400 . is it only the father's responsiblity to pay for nearly everything. I want to have some income left where when its my visitation i can buy our daughter things and do things with her too.
Common sense tells you that if it takes 600 - 800 a month to raise a child right . Then most of the world would NOT being having children. Its not the money but anyone with a note pad and calculator can see this isnt right. i only get to see our daught 1st and 3rd weekends , week at christmas , and month in summer.
if the court wanted to even start to do what it RIGHT and FAIR for all parties involved would NOT set the support where the mother gets to live like a king and the father live like a commonier
The would say if the child is SUCH a finacial burden the maybe you need to share the child more and let (him , her , them) Stay with the other parent MORE!
thanks for letting me vent. i am sure there is someone that shares my frustration...
my ex is taking me back to court for MORE MONEY and i want to know if there is any other factors other than income that could help me understand an increase.
We both make about 4000 a month GROSS and and bring home about 2700 . i give her 400 . is it only the father's responsiblity to pay for nearly everything. I want to have some income left where when its my visitation i can buy our daughter things and do things with her too.
Common sense tells you that if it takes 600 - 800 a month to raise a child right . Then most of the world would NOT being having children. Its not the money but anyone with a note pad and calculator can see this isnt right. i only get to see our daught 1st and 3rd weekends , week at christmas , and month in summer.
if the court wanted to even start to do what it RIGHT and FAIR for all parties involved would NOT set the support where the mother gets to live like a king and the father live like a commonier
The would say if the child is SUCH a finacial burden the maybe you need to share the child more and let (him , her , them) Stay with the other parent MORE!
thanks for letting me vent. i am sure there is someone that shares my frustration...