email pics
Ok, this is so long and stupid but i want to know incase i have to threaten them to make them stop! My husbands ex wife has made claims that she is going to post pics of me in my underwear (bra) on the internet. These are pictures i had forgotten all about they are from when i was only 18 years old and they are not sexy pics just some snaps shots that my husband thought was funny. But i still dont want them posted. And she is also claiming to have pics of my daughter whom she refers to as a "pig" because of her weight. She hasnt said names but because of the fued that is going on with us i know she is referring to myself and my daughter. Though i will not know for sure until they are posted. This is all so childish i know, but if she does it i dont want her to get away with it. I dont think that my ex husband has any idea of this but he wont talk to me because of her so i cant tell him. I have thought about calling him at work (he is a C/O at prison) and trying to get intouch with him there. I just dont know what to do! any legal or non-legal advise would be appreciated!