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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? pennsylvania

my little brother and i live with our mom. she has gotten remarried in july. her new husband beats her up. he has never hit one of us yet but he yells and screams at us calling us bad names. yesterday the biggest fight of all time has happened. i called my boyfriend(18) and he came to get me and my brother. origionally my mom was supposed to come too. but her husband is a crazy person amd could have possibly ruined all of our stuff. so she stayed. we talked to her today and she said about us coming back to stay with them until my moms face gets better, probably two weeks, neither of us want to go. my boyfriends mom said it would be ok if we stayed until our mom got her things together and we could move out. to move out we need to get some people with trucks. my mom currently has no job. but as soon as her face is beter she is going to get one. what we want to knoww is if our mom says its ok can we stay here at my boyfriends house for a little while?


Senior Member
Where's your bio-dad?
Can you stay with him?

My biggest suggestion:
Call the police, report it, report him, and have him arrested.

If your bio-dad is not in the picture, then yes, for your safety, it's OK to stay there with mom's permission. Just be prepared, she's not ready to leave this abuser so YOU need to report him NOW.


Under the Radar Member
If it's okay with Mom, it's probably fine. But.... why did none of you think to call the cops?


Junior Member
she didnt want to

my dad lives in another county and he does not like my brother. we hought of calling the cops but my mom said what will that do? it won prove anyhing or help us. so prety much she thought it wouldnt do anthing. but i know one thing my mom is the type of person that ill fi things for now thinking it will get better. but me and my brother know better. him and i refuse to go back


Junior Member
my mom lives in cumberland with her husband but if and when we move out we are moving into perry county. perry is also where my boyfriend lives


Junior Member
another thing about why we did not call the cops is bc currently my mom is unemployed and maybe he cops could take us away because she has no job to support us. but as soon as her face clears up she will get one and then we will startour lives over. another question is it ok if my brother and i use my boyfriends address to go to school?


Senior Member

You are a witness to a crime and her face is busted up, THAT PROVES EVERYTHING!!!!!!
What, wait till her face is clear so he can mess it up again?
You WILL NOT be taken away because she is not working.
It is her home too, he will be arrested and she, you, and bro can stay in the home.
She can get a PFA and get occupancy of the home and he cannot contact her or come near her or you.
Then, while he rots in jail or wherever, she can take a week or two, heal her face, start job hunting, and care for her children, all in her own home without being a punching bag!


Junior Member
thats the thing though we didnt see it happen hey were out they cae home we saw it i got in a fight wih my stepdad and we left thats the short side of it


Senior Member
Your mother is still your legal guardian.
If you want to attend the same school, you need to list mom's address.
If BF lives in another county, then it's another school district, you would have to attend school there if you use his address.

I wish you were her asking for help to nail the ******* for what he's doing, but it doesn't seem that you, or your mother are ready for that.

Running away won't solve anything.

Oh, come on, that's not a real swear word, is it?


Junior Member
believe me i would love to have him put in jail but what is the most he could get? a fine with a slap on the wrist? maybe a few days overnight but thankyou for all of your help and keep posting if you like i can always use the advice. and i am going to try and convince her to call the cops.


Junior Member
Aggravated domestic assault, she might or might not need medical attention, first time offender is generally up to 1 year in jail and/or $1,000 fine, the fact that he scares her makes him a battering person, this isnt going to end and it doesn't matter if she has the money, she can contact your local shelter and they will help you with what you need, the cops need to be called on this person and they will have or should have numbers to local resources that can help you with temporary shelter. He wont get slap on the wrist if you point out the simple fact that all three of you were scarred, he was pretty much holding her hostage with his hostality and he commited aggravated domestic assault. ADS is a misdemeanor in the first offense, but it will prevent him from doing alot of things that normal people can do, like owning a gun and so forth.

Happy Trails

Senior Member
All of you need to report the abuse.

It doesn't appear to me that your mother is okay with you staying there, and has asked you to return home.

What has changed since you posted this: https://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?t=253780

Your mother doesn't want you to move in with your b/f and neither does your bio dad. So go back to the other post and remind yourself what kind of trouble they can get into.

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