I live in a federal funded low income housing project in Oklahoma. I have been issued a 3 day notice to vacate due to posessing firearms on the complex. I had a maint. work order in for my living room window leaking(downstairs), and the maint man found a small handgun in the top of my closet, under clothes, in my upstairs bedroom. I have no problem with the eviction, I did break a rule, but when maint. comes in for a work order, what are the limitations to where they are allowed to go in the apt? I also know that he had looked under my bed, due to a shoe being pushed farther under there. When I consulted with the site manager, I was told that once maint. is issued a work oder, I am giving permission for him to come in, and that he can go ANYWHERE in the apt he wants, even if it does not pertain to what he is coming in to fix. How true is this? I have looked on the net at law statues, but can not find anything on this.