big sister asks, who of you is perfect to cast a stone
This web site is for basic matter of fact requests for info.
And its nice that people respond.
But to inject your opinion, and do it in a critical manor makes me wonder who has too much time.
I wasn't going to come back to this post, because I felt the answer was provided, and I am busy, but as I was cleaning up my bookmarks I remembered this post.
People are well aware of the problems they cause for themselves.
I have stated in my post that my sister is aware that much of her problems are of her own making.
I needn't be accused of defending my sister, shes my sister, yes she made poor choices, and still will make poor choices. it has nothing to do with Growing up, there are many adults that never grow up . remember the prodigal son?
I am not in the wrong for wanting to help her with what I can do.
Maybe a lot of people disown their family when they do stupid things and screw up their life, but Im not going to be guilty of abandoning my family, but I do have limits. I will only do so much.
If we all were perfect, this site wouldn't be needed would it?
gee baystategirl, where did you get the idea her kids were molested? they haven't been.
where did you get the idea her current boyfriend is on drugs? he is not as far as know.
where did you get the idea that she had several men?
she is 26 and this is only her second boyfriend, so sue her for wanting to have a companion. No one wants to be alone. She would still be married if her husband gave an effort to get off drugs and keep the job my husband got for him making good union money. she loved her husband.
where are ALL these posts you are reading?
how would you feel if you had a husband, a car, a home, only to have your husband get involved in drugs, loose his job, his self respect get arrested, and force you to have to leave your home,and a dangerous situation? you'd be desperate and possibly irrational too.
Things are easier said than done in a crooked twisted world void of reason and common sense.
And as far as getting pregnant, well sure that was a stupid thing to do, I agree wholly.
but think about this, if everyone only got pregnant when they had the perfect situation, humankind would disappear.
As I said, some how they will work it out, but certainly not with much help from our legal system. domestic relations takes nearly her boyfriends entire paycheck, not taking into consideration that HE needs to pay for his own upkeep.
I was told that domestic relations is only supposed to take a percentage of your paycheck for child support leaving you with the ability to support yourself. After all, they can only make tops, 8 bucks an hour here, even a teachers aid only makes 8. 50 and hour here. I make more money cleaning homes. And that you dont need a degree to do.
So mistakes or not, how on earth are people to straiten up their life if the government takes everything you have keeping you homeless and unemployed?
when you want to try to fix what you've broken, your certainly not given any credit or any help.