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It is proper for me to file for an injunction in this instance?

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In California:

I know very little about the law. My school is behaving in a corrupt manner and in order to keep me from informing students with flyers, they passed new policy, severely restricting the posting of flyers by ANY students.

I have already verified which sections of California law are being violated by the school's actions:

Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 2, Subchapter 1 (Minimum Conditions), Section 51023.7 of the California Code of Regulations

California Education Code, Section 76120

Is the proper course of action for me to file with the court, hoping that a judge will force the school to abide by their old policy?

If so, what exactly do I write on the forms that I file? I mean...do I just say that I'm filing for an "injunction" and state why, or is it called something else in this instance?

Thanks for any help you can give me!

P.S. I have already climbed the ladder of school administration, so filing a grievance within the school is not an option. The Board of Trustees for the school passed the policy as soon as I brought my allegations to them.


Senior Member
Nicole, you are a school attendee and you want to know how to file an Injunction and or Mandamus action by yourself?

You need an attorney to review the facts. The process is very very complicated.


Senior Member
Nicole, you are a school attendee and you want to know how to file an Injunction and or Mandamus action by yourself?

You need an attorney to review the facts. The process is very very complicated.
I would tend to agree. You need representation to do this correctly and get what you want out of it. Remember that the school will have representation, even if they aren't right in this situation, and could win based on procedure that you don't know. I don't know that any of us here are savy enough to walk you word-for-word through what you are asking of us.



Senior Member
I would tend to agree. You need representation to do this correctly and get what you want out of it. Remember that the school will have representation, even if they aren't right in this situation, and could win based on procedure that you don't know. I don't know that any of us here are savy enough to walk you word-for-word through what you are asking of us.

I could do it myself at this period in my life if I had to, (I am WAY out of HS though), but would still be nervous about the legal consequences.

The apex must be plead correctly. Many states hold a Pro Se complainant to the same standard as an attorney, no less stringent.

I have known non attorneys to file thier own suits, sure, happens very day, but a high schooler has no conception of the legal process.

I have represented myself in non small claims suits before, but have never filed for any type of Prerogative writ.

The filing fee is probably 200-400 $$ itself.


Senior Member
I could do it myself at this period in my life if I had to, (I am WAY out of HS though), but would still be nervous about the legal consequences.

The apex must be plead correctly. Many states hold a Pro Se complainant to the same standard as an attorney, no less stringent.

I have known non attorneys to file thier own suits, sure, happens very day, but a high schooler has no conception of the legal process.

I have represented myself in non small claims suits before, but have never filed for any type of Prerogative writ.

The filing fee is probably 200-400 $$ itself.
I would give this poster credit though. He's out of high school, he's pretty grammatically proficient, and he actually does have a good case against the school. They have screwed him over at every step.

He has exhausted all the non-legal avenues - and filing in court is a whole separate ballgame.


Senior Member
I would give this poster credit though. He's out of high school, he's pretty grammatically proficient, and he actually does have a good case against the school. They have screwed him over at every step.
I see she says "Board of Trustees", but what kind of school is it, College or Private HS.

I see now it is not a public HS.
I would tend to agree. You need representation to do this correctly and get what you want out of it. Remember that the school will have representation, even if they aren't right in this situation, and could win based on procedure that you don't know. I don't know that any of us here are savy enough to walk you word-for-word through what you are asking of us.

exactly what I was afraid of, and thanks for the info. I have a couple family attorneys, but I can't reconcile asking either of them for such a huge favor, knowing how much they make.

Yet I also don't have the funds to pay an attorney to do it for me.

Maybe I can insist on paying a family member and work out payments or something. I guess I have some thinking to do now that things have reached this point.
I could do it myself at this period in my life if I had to, (I am WAY out of HS though), but would still be nervous about the legal consequences.

The apex must be plead correctly. Many states hold a Pro Se complainant to the same standard as an attorney, no less stringent.

I have known non attorneys to file thier own suits, sure, happens very day, but a high schooler has no conception of the legal process.

I have represented myself in non small claims suits before, but have never filed for any type of Prerogative writ.

The filing fee is probably 200-400 $$ itself.
I've sued and won in small claims before, but I'm still incredibly intimidated by going to straight civil court. I know that I'll immediately be looked down on just for not having representation, regardless of my case.

I can come up with the filing fee if I have to. I just need to make sure my case is solid and I'm not going to get laughed out of court based on a procedural technicality.
just an update:

went to a meeting for the Board of Trustees last night and gave a speech. Funny part is, someone went up before me to complain, and actually complained about some of the same things that I was there to complain about, like not being allowed witnesses during an appeal hearing. This school is so F'd up.

A friend videotaped, and it'll be on my blog soon. Won't post a link cuz some mod in here is all anal about that, but yeah.


Senior Member
just an update:

went to a meeting for the Board of Trustees last night and gave a speech. Funny part is, someone went up before me to complain, and actually complained about some of the same things that I was there to complain about, like not being allowed witnesses during an appeal hearing. This school is so F'd up.

A friend videotaped, and it'll be on my blog soon. Won't post a link cuz some mod in here is all anal about that, but yeah.
Good for you. I'm glad you are standing up for your rights to call witnesses. I can't believe that after you followed their signage rules, they turned around and took them down. To me, they are almost blocking your rights to free speech. Maybe you'll need a civil rights lawyer.

Did the Trustees say anything after you spoke? What were they acting like?

Can't blame the mod on that one. We used to have a lady here who posted youtube videos of her hurting her kids, and another who posted pics of her doing extacy in front of her children. So, quoting the law sites is allowed, other stuff, not so much.
Good for you. I'm glad you are standing up for your rights to call witnesses. I can't believe that after you followed their signage rules, they turned around and took them down. To me, they are almost blocking your rights to free speech. Maybe you'll need a civil rights lawyer.

Did the Trustees say anything after you spoke? What were they acting like?

Can't blame the mod on that one. We used to have a lady here who posted youtube videos of her hurting her kids, and another who posted pics of her doing extacy in front of her children. So, quoting the law sites is allowed, other stuff, not so much.
WOW @ that lady. I understand the need for the strict policy then.

By the way, that guy who spoke was from the same campus as me (RCCD has three campuses). Definitely something afoul at that particular campus.

After I spoke, I asked if the Board had any comments. WAY too quickly, a Board member almost yelled at me, stating that they can't have a dialogue with me...that this section of the meeting is just for public comments.

Can't dialogue? Or just don't have to? I didn't argue, but I'm sure it was clear to the audience that she jumped down my throat about it.

I can say that the Board was definitely affected by what I said; I received a confirmation through my student e-mail today, stating that something has been sent to me from an address which I Googled and confirmed to be an RCCD administrative office. No such action after my first appearance in front of the Board. ...Probably a combination of the fact that someone else was there complaining about the same stuff as me, and the fact that I cited specific sections of law this time, and how they are being violated.

Can't wait to see the letter they sent me.
by the way, here is the speech I gave. I added a couple things and took a couple things out as I went along, but this is more or less the speech. It's a letter I wrote to the Board's secretary last week that was never responded to:

Ms. Wills,

I spoke with you on the phone at the end of the Fall semester, when I first noticed that the Board of Trustees had passed new policy, severely restricting freedom of expression at Riverside Community College.

The enforcement of this policy is the most recent in a series of steps that the district has taken to prevent me from notifying the public about corruption within RCC. When I posted my first batch of APPROVED flyers, they were removed without anyone notifying me. I was later told that the flyers were libelous. My permanent school record was threatened. I redesigned my flyers, got them approved AGAIN, and again they were removed. This time, I was led on a wild goose chase, with nobody taking responsibility for removing the flyers. In total, my flyers were torn down about four times, before I eventually caught faculty removing them ON VIDEO. This video is now part of my blog at *link removed*. Shortly after confronting the school with this video, the Board's new posting policy was implemented.

On the phone with you, I asserted that the Board's policy changes were in violation of the rights of RCCD students, and I strongly urged the Board to revert to its old policy.

Since no action was taken, I can assume that the Board is either unable or unwilling to take me seriously without the citation of specific California law.

The Board's new policy can be found here: *link removed*

The old policy can be found here: *link removed*

Whereas an abundance of locations for posting flyers existed on the Riverside campus (easily over one hundred), there now exists only one campus location for pinning up flyers. The rest of the bulletin boards are now off-limits. I did find one other bulletin board which adhered to the new policy, but no sooner did I place a flyer on the board, than the flyer was removed and the bulletin board was reassigned for use by ASRCC only.

According to Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 2, Subchapter 1 (Minimum Conditions), Section 51023.7 of the California Code of Regulations:

(2) Except in unforeseeable, emergency situations, the governing board shall not take action on a matter having a significant effect on students until it has provided students with an opportunity to participate in the formulation of the policy or procedure or the joint development of recommendations regarding the action.

(b) For the purposes of this Section, district and college policies and procedures that have or will have a "significant effect on students" includes the following:

(2) codes of student conduct;

RCC, did not "[provide] students with an opportunity to participate in the formulation of the policy or procedure..." Rather, this new policy was passed in silence, just before Winter break (November 29th, 2010). Students began their Winter session with the new policy in place, and with no say in the matter.

Furthermore, California Education Code, Section 76120, states:

The governing board of a community college district shall
adopt rules and regulations relating to the exercise of free
expression by students upon the premises of each community college
maintained by the district, which shall include reasonable provisions
for the time, place, and manner of conducting such activities.
Such rules and regulations shall not prohibit the right of
students to exercise free expression including, but not limited to,
the use of bulletin boards
, the distribution of printed materials or
petitions, and the wearing of buttons, badges, or other insignia,
except that expression which is obscene, libelous or slanderous
according to current legal standards, or which so incites students as
to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful
acts on community college premises, or the violation of lawful
community college regulations, or the substantial disruption of the
orderly operation of the community college, shall be prohibited.

This sections seems to make the new policy illegal on its face, since the policy limits the use of virtually every bulletin board in the school, while this section specifically restricts schools from placing limitations on the usage of bulletin boards. It would appear that both the policy itself and the means by which it was developed and approved are in violation of the CCR and CEC.

Thus, RCC has violated CCR requirements for Minimum Conditions for students.

According to Title 5, Division 6, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2 (Enforcement), Section 51100 of the California Code of Regulations:

(b) The Chancellor shall investigate complaints alleging that a district is failing to comply substantially with the minimum conditions contained in subchapter 1 and shall establish guidelines for accepting and handling such complaints.

Regarding the CCR section that I have just cited, I filed a complaint against RCCD with the Chancellor of California Community Colleges, Jack Scott. I filed this complaint on 1/19. On 1/20, I was informed that the office's legal affairs team is reviewing my complaint.

Again, I urge the Board to take action. It would be in everyone's best interest if the Board did this before Mr. Scott's office begins its investigation, and before I arrive at the Board's next meeting on the 25th.
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