What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
Thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to assist my family.
Purchased an item that ended up being of no interest and of sub par performance that was set to return to the store. However, the box it came in and all acessories were damaged during an event that insurance covers. The item was purchased around a week before the incident. (The home insurance subcontracting partners actually threw out the damaged original box(es) it came in).
My question is will insurance cover the item as a loss, or if not, at least as a damaged good? I would love it they took it off my hands, I have no interest in keeping it. The store won't take it back because the original accessories were damaged and not in original condition (documented by insurance company subcontracting partners).
It seems like now that even if I'm stuck with a working part of the original item its value should be diminished by the restocking fee, and against current market value for a used product without all of the original stuff. Really just want this thing gone.
The insurance company has been great, and I would like to know how to approach them with this and not seem silly. I think the lingo I'm using above doesn't sound so great. Many thousands of dollars of damage are being covered, but this item was over $2k, and we just do not want it (and literally had just bought it within a week of the incident), had been planning to take it back, and really don't need it. It would suck to get stuck with basically a paper weight and lose out $2k. If we were to sell it on ebay/craiglist we'd get like a quarter of what we paid for it.
Thank you in advance for taking time out of your day to assist my family.
Purchased an item that ended up being of no interest and of sub par performance that was set to return to the store. However, the box it came in and all acessories were damaged during an event that insurance covers. The item was purchased around a week before the incident. (The home insurance subcontracting partners actually threw out the damaged original box(es) it came in).
My question is will insurance cover the item as a loss, or if not, at least as a damaged good? I would love it they took it off my hands, I have no interest in keeping it. The store won't take it back because the original accessories were damaged and not in original condition (documented by insurance company subcontracting partners).
It seems like now that even if I'm stuck with a working part of the original item its value should be diminished by the restocking fee, and against current market value for a used product without all of the original stuff. Really just want this thing gone.
The insurance company has been great, and I would like to know how to approach them with this and not seem silly. I think the lingo I'm using above doesn't sound so great. Many thousands of dollars of damage are being covered, but this item was over $2k, and we just do not want it (and literally had just bought it within a week of the incident), had been planning to take it back, and really don't need it. It would suck to get stuck with basically a paper weight and lose out $2k. If we were to sell it on ebay/craiglist we'd get like a quarter of what we paid for it.
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