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Job discrimination/harrasment to quit job

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Hi, I am writing this for my mother, Amalia she is the one who needs your legal advise. Its with her supervisor which this has been going on for quite some time. I actually have an old greivance from 1992 which she wrote to her union board telling her about the job discrimination and its all on record but it was dismissed. So she just went on with that same complaint no one ever took her seriously everone at work knew about how her supervisor would only do this to her. She believes its because she cannot defend herself because her english is broken but that would not impair her work duties. She is in her 60s and she would never give her a helper on her machine when she always requetsted it was denied. When her supervisor was off from work then she would get the help. My mom thinks they just want her to quit because of her age. Recently she had an on going argument w/her boss which escalated to my mom ending up in the hospital from all her accumulated distress.
She suffered a heart attach then everyone at work finally beleived that she could not hadle the work load but not until she collapsed.I think that is proof enfough for the un justice she has suffered. Please help me settle this I think I cant just sit there and let this happen. She just demands a little respect and an apology. Thank you,




I am truly sorry that your mother had to become a victim of sexual discrimination/hostile work environment, and I pray for a speedy recovery. There are several other options that come to mind regarding this issue of abuse. Please contact the following:AARP Legal Counsel for the Elderly-601 E St., NW-Washington, DC 20049(202)434-2120, National Senior Citizens Law Center-1815 H St., NW, Suite 700-Washington,DC 20036(202)887-5280, Equal Rights Advocates-1663 Mission St., Suite 550-San Francisco,CA 94103(800)839-4372, National Association of Working Women-614 Superior Ave., NW-Cleveland, OH 44113(800)522-0925. Please utilize these resources and they will help you as advocates. you also need to contact the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC)at: (800)669-4000, as soon as possible to file a complaint of sex discrimination which created a hostile work environment. Please do not throw the paper away you mention regarding your mother filing a complaint with the union in 1992 because this will help to lay the foundation that management was aware of his conduct and did not use corrective action. For General Principle of information I invite you to the following websites to increase your knowledge and awareness of your Civil Rights to protect your mother and yourself: (1)Policy Guidance on Current Issues of Sexual Harassment(www.eeoc.gov/docs/currentissues.html),(2)Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964(www.eeoc.gov/laws/vii.html), (3)Enforcement Guidance: Vicarious Employer Liability for Unlawful Harassment by Supervisors(www. eeoc.gov/docs/harassment.html), and (4)Department of Justice-Women Against Violence(www.doj.gov). The Supreme Court held in the case Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson that an employer is absolutely liable for sexual harassment committed by a supervisory employee, regardless of whether the employer actually knew or reasonably could have known of the misconduct, or would have disapproved of and stopped the misconduct if aware of it. Get the evidence you need to build your case for your mother to include any witness that observed any incident of harassment as well as doctors, counselors,and co-workers. This shift the burden on the employer to prove that every measure was taken to correct this offensive work environment.

[Edited by HotRedCathie on 06-23-2001 at 04:33 PM]

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