I live in Texas. My 5 year old son lives with me. His mother lives in a different town (about 20 minutes away from us). We have joint custody of our son. He starts school this fall. My ex wants to change his address to hers so he can go to school in her city but still allow him to live with me. This would be of some benefit to both of us due to job locations. My son would be closer to me during the day ( in case of emergency / school activities...ect ). If he goes to school in the city where we live he would be farther from her and she would have difficulty getting to him on the days that he stays with her. We are obviously in dis-agreement with one another on this matter. If I allow his address change will I be giving up any control I have over the situation. And, what terms come into play when neither parent wants to compromise on a decision when we have joint custody.