Attorney fees are normally not a punishment for contempt but they can be. You are responsible for paying your attorney ultimately and no attorney will take the case on a contingency basis. they aren't ethically allowed to.penny4u said:What is the name of your state? OH
If an attorney asks for legal fees to be paid when going to court on contempt charges, and the other party is found in contmept is it typical that the judge will order the other party to pay the legal fees?
Again they can be. It is not spelled out in the statute but the judge can award them depending. The statutory punishments include up to jail and a fine or anything else the judge finds fair. This would fall under if the judge found it fair.penny4u said:No my attorney is paid up 100%. I'd let many other things slip before that bill.
I was just curious because we are asking for legal fees to be paid and I've heard conflicting stories.
Make sure you ask for the attorney fees in advance (in your filings).penny4u said:What is the name of your state? OH
If an attorney asks for legal fees to be paid when going to court on contempt charges, and the other party is found in contmept is it typical that the judge will order the other party to pay the legal fees?
No.. computer went down and lost a lot of stuff. You can use [email protected]penny4u said:We don't have any more dates set for court. My attorney is filing contempt on the medical bills. He hasn't paid a dime of them and they are WELL into the thousands now (his part). So I suppose that will be our next court date. I had to sit in a room with him with the psychologist....not fun. Nothing has changed with him. It's amazing to me. Says he won't stop no matter what my son is going through, and no matter that the dr. tells him that he's hurting him more by doing this right now. Ex seems to think that I should help him win my son over. I told him "just like you helped me the past 10 years?" he said I owed it to him?!?!?
I told him I wasn't going to help HIM in any way but whatever I can do to help my son I will. Which both my husband and I have tried by saying things like "you never know, you might like him, it's ok if you do", etc, etc. My son won't budge. The doctor said he probably won't.
I tried to send you an email a couple months back, but I switched computers and I don't have your address you still have mine?
Do you really think that he will follow through with the visits with the doctor and your son, especially for that long? I don't see him doing it for more than a few months and even then that's being optimistic.penny4u said:No they will meet this month or next depending on the dr. schedule. They start with an introduction and then therapy. If everything goes according to the plan he still won't be able to leave with my son for even 1 hour until after Christmas. The doctor expects it to take longer. There still is no actual visitation order. Ex thinks everything is his decision. He told me I was lucky that he just didn't file for our county's parenting plan. That he's doing all of his requirements to be nice. Doctor gave him a stern talking to that the things he's doing are ordered by the court not optional, and that the court would not at this time just let him take him. Ex still doesn't get it. He thought he would have him for 1/2 of this summer, and thinks that when that happens I won't get to see my son through out those 45 days at all. Again Dr. told him not going to happen.
penny4u said:That's what we are hoping for. Although he's gotten himself so mad at me that he might do it out of spite. Which is almost funny to me because I've never done anything to this guy. He places blame on me for his bad decisions because he can't take the heat himself. The doctor and I both told him that he is in for a huge surprise when they meet. No matter what anyone tells him he thinks he will be recieved with open arms.
Thanks for updating us Penny...msdad is SUCH A TOOL! We tried to warn him, but his Narcissism won't allow anyone else's opinions.penny4u said:We don't have any more dates set for court. My attorney is filing contempt on the medical bills. He hasn't paid a dime of them and they are WELL into the thousands now (his part). So I suppose that will be our next court date. I had to sit in a room with him with the psychologist....not fun. Nothing has changed with him. It's amazing to me. Says he won't stop no matter what my son is going through, and no matter that the dr. tells him that he's hurting him more by doing this right now. Ex seems to think that I should help him win my son over. I told him "just like you helped me the past 10 years?" he said I owed it to him?!?!?
I told him I wasn't going to help HIM in any way but whatever I can do to help my son I will. Which both my husband and I have tried by saying things like "you never know, you might like him, it's ok if you do", etc, etc. My son won't budge. The doctor said he probably won't.