Junior Member
We've been renting our basement to a nice, quiet, introverted man for the past year-and-a-half. About six months ago, he'd asked if he could have a friend stay "for a while" with him to help her get back on her feet and find a job. We'd agreed that she could stay for a while. He was paying rent with an all-utilities-included option, and this woman was adding about $50 per month to the total bill. We come to find out that she'd been given a key and had been staying at our home the whole time! She had no posessions or car, and worked 16-hour days. We really had no idea until, one day, I'd been home sick from work and she let herself in the front door with a key! He turned in his 30-day notice after I'd approached him about her paying some rent. Can I legally take her share of the utilities from the deposit he gave to us? Can I at least bill him or remove the amount from his deposit for changing the locks since he gave an unauthorized person (who later admitted, while intoxicated, to a history of heavy drug use) a key to our home? Please help!