I joined this program to lose 25 lbs, I was not informed of the "total cost" until after I singed their service guarantee, which I thought was just guaranting their service would work for me, and if not that they would pay my membership fees until I did lost the weight. on the 3rd day I went back to the center and was told I needed to pruchase thier bars at a cost of $2 to $4 dollars a bar and I total of over $400.00, I could not believe this and was never told of the cost of them bars until that day. I cancelled the program and now they say I will not get a refund.it states on the service guarantee ..."ENROLLMENT FEE OF $199.00 IS NON REFUNDABLE" ..but I was never charged a so called Enrollment fee. what I did pay was a $150.00 deposit, and was to pay a total of $248.00 for the yr program. they tell me that the Enrollment fee is included in the program cost. so now I am seeking legal advice as to weather or not I am intitled to my deposit.Thank you to anyone who can help me in this matter. I lve in Pa, bucks co.
[Edited by Sally00 on 12-08-2000 at 03:36 PM]
[Edited by Sally00 on 12-08-2000 at 03:36 PM]