What is the name of your state? san diego
About 4 day ago i was driving down the street when a lady was coming out
of an apartment complex and another car was coming in so i didn't se her she didn't
se me i got to a point where i spotted her with the corner of my eye swerved to the
left so she wouldnt hit me she keep going and hit my car on the right door and side panel we stopped and agreed to settle this ourself. 3 day later i tell the lady its was only going to be $500.00 dollars to repair, isnt that cheap? and now she does not want to pay can
hooo one thing i didnt have insurance at the time and her dont know can i take her
to small claim or whats youre advise
About 4 day ago i was driving down the street when a lady was coming out
of an apartment complex and another car was coming in so i didn't se her she didn't
se me i got to a point where i spotted her with the corner of my eye swerved to the
left so she wouldnt hit me she keep going and hit my car on the right door and side panel we stopped and agreed to settle this ourself. 3 day later i tell the lady its was only going to be $500.00 dollars to repair, isnt that cheap? and now she does not want to pay can
hooo one thing i didnt have insurance at the time and her dont know can i take her
to small claim or whats youre advise