i believe it is wrongful termination
hi, thanks. i did apply for and receive fmla pay. i have the email trails of most of our electronic exchanges which clearly show that they stopped replying to me after receiving the doctor release. i have phone records of their one call to me during which we discussed my tentative return date and decided may 1. i faxed the release to the company which was may 1. i followed up with emails and phone calls with no response. finally, i left a voicemail that i would be in the office on may 1 assuming that it was ok. then, on the morning of may 1, they scanned and emailed the letter to me stating they could no longer "hold my position". if it doesn't violate the law which requires them to hold my position in the event of leave due to pregnancy then i am curious as to whether it is wrongful termination since there were no concrete grounds to terminate or let me go. i never received any phone calls, emails, letters, warnings, etc. besides the may 1 letter. they are trying their best to not pay me unemployent. to EDD they claimed i abandoned the job by not ever returning nor making efforts to return, which is absolutely not true. however, in their letter they neither state that i am terminated nor do they mention that i failed to return to work. they simply said that my disability leave and fmla expired and they could not "hold my position". thanks for the well wishes!