Ohio - I live on the west side of Cleveland and about 3 years ago my wife and I applied to the Cleveland Land Bank for a piece of property that was on the other side of our home. After the neighbor on the other side of the property put up a stink about the land reutilization committee grant us the property last year and the City Council approved the sale (in Cleveland everything has to go through the city council). The property was quitclaimed to us early last year. In the time that the property was being haggled over and the other couple had gotten a divorce and the wife moved out then the husband (it was being rented out and tried for a sale). Now the wife as moved back in and is putting up a stink that the property was awarded to us. We already tried to have a mediation meeting but she did not show. My question is; Is there any way that she can have the property removed from us and put in her name legally. Thank you for your input.