Junior Member
I am in North Carolina. I previously posted the In and Out of Lease Post. I need to move to another state, but I signed a lease that I need to get out of that doesn't take effect yet. I sat down with my landlord at length to ask him if he could find a new tenant and that I would pay all rent, ad fees, and cooperate with showings until a new one is found. I told him I would be willing to forfeit my security deposit. I have everything documented in writing. He basically doesn't want to work with me or release me because he is turning it into a spiritual issue. He says God told him I was to stay here and he calls me all the time on the phone and harasses me about going to his church. Then he makes childish statements such as "I hope you don't trash my house now". I have kept the house in immaculate condition which is why I don't think he really wants me to leave. Where is the line drawn when a landlord begins harassing you over spiritual stuff and is it his responsibility to find a new tenant or can he make us do that?