I have a sub tenancy. The landlord has alleged to my neighbors that I am an illegal tenant. Is this slander? Even if it were true, is he allowed to disscuss my personal details with other tenants?
If anything goes wrong in the building he automatically presumes I am to blame. Somebody disposed of the garbage incorrectly so the landlord complained to my guests instead of me. Is this harassment? should he come to me. I feel he is behaving disciminatorily.
He has threatened to kick me out but has no reasonable grounds to do so.
I am very concerned. Do I have any rights against him. I s he technically committing any offences?
If anything goes wrong in the building he automatically presumes I am to blame. Somebody disposed of the garbage incorrectly so the landlord complained to my guests instead of me. Is this harassment? should he come to me. I feel he is behaving disciminatorily.
He has threatened to kick me out but has no reasonable grounds to do so.
I am very concerned. Do I have any rights against him. I s he technically committing any offences?