My mother in law has had a lease with an apatment complex for the past 2 years and pays a 5% increase each year. She has had numerous issues and complaint made against her neighbors for the noise and parties which has shown no result from the landlord. She has also had problem after problem with her appliances, for example; her water heater broke and rust water leaked throughout her apartment, her a/c went out and they replaced her a/c, but her electric bill tripled, and lastly, the sewage overflowed from the main line and waste water flooded the apartment, but the landlord didn't put her up in a hotel for the evening. Instead, the told her they would clean the carpet and fix to problem the following day. These inconvenience has cost her over 100.00 a month, mainly due to the a/c. The landlord only deducted 50.00 from her rent even when the electric company stated that the faulty wired a/c was the direct cause of her extra expenses. What recourse does she have or should she request? I know she can terminate her lease, but because of the expenses, she can't afford to move. What should she do? Any advice would be helpfull including any state statues disclosing such instances.