As a landlord, do I have a right to raise my tenants rent to an unusually high amount in an attempt to get them to leave? They have always paid the rent on time but have caused numerous problems in the condo association by breaking bylaws...We were fined $100 last summer...they refused to pay and we had to or have an assessment put against our property...They have done much damage to condo....Claim washer hose broke (washer full of bleach water) and soaked the carpet in kitchen, utility and part of living room...they tore carpet up and threw it away before notifying us...They didn't like it and wanted it out of there and wanted us to install wood laminate floors, which we refused to do because carpet was in very good condition...The living room carpet appears to have been bleached out due to bleach being poured onto the top...no water stains or evidence of water on padding, floor or underside of carpet...I feel they have lied about the whole thing...They have also burned a hole on the kitchen countertop about the size of a 50 cent pc... they installed a ceiling fan and light in dining area, without our permission and numerous other things...They do whatever they want and then say we owe them....So far we wrote a letter telling them they have 30 days to get all receipts and an itemized statement of all repairs they feel they are entitled reimbursement for or we will not pay them for any of them...This had to be hand delivered by myself ( along with a witness ) as they wouldn't pick up their certified letter. Their lease was up in Sept.00 and we wrote a letter telling them we would rent month to month...They have 3 small children and another on the way...this is not a slum condo...It is a very nice area and they are causing major problems for all....We always repair anything needed within 2 or 3 days if at all possible....The tenant is very opinionated and a bully...wants to run everything and loves to sue people....I just want to know what I can legally do in order not to get ourselves into a bigger bind....I want them out............thank you..........jdunn