Who's Liable?
Senior Member
You could argue in court that since no bill was ever sent to you, nor did you pay anything towards the bill, the LL essentially took over the payments and thus you cannot be expected to pay past due amounts. In essence, there was no reasoning for the LL to expect you to pay it, they took it upon themselves to pay the bill. Had they really wanted you to pay for it, they would have made the effort to contact the utility company and have them send you a bill..I think I answered that already. And in case you missed it, I've been living in the same rental home for almost 20 years! It is not a seat-of-the-pants decision to just "up and move out" on the landlord. He was informed well in advance of our plans and has been given proper LEGAL notice according to our lease agreement and Rental Assistance procedures.
Why are you focusing on the non-issues? This isn't about me breaking the lease or doing anything out of line. It's about my landlord coming up with a BOGUS reason to extort about 3400 dollars from me because he MAD we're moving out.
I need advice as to the legality of what HE is doing...
I'M not the one doing anything "questionable" by any legal standards or regulations...
Be expected to pay for the past 3-6 years, but not the full 20 years.