What is the name of your state?PA
I have been havin probs with my landlord for quite some time. about 7 mo ago I had to call the gas company to come investigate a gas smell, and found that the furnace had a gas leak, and the furnace was red-tagged. I called the landlord that night, and he did not answer the phone, so I left a message on his work, home and cell phones to tell him about it. I was also told at that time, by the gas company, that the landlord is using my gas and water for the other apartment. The land lord did nothin about it but got smart with me for calling the gas company. I decided then, that after he done nothing for all the other problems in the house (roof leaking, celing in bedroom colapsing, porch falling apart, bathroom sink leaking, water lines broken, water running out of hot water tank, celing in living room falling apart, furnace, etc.) that I was not going to pay rent until things were repaired. I wrote him a note stating everything that needs to be done, and told him I was withholding rent. He evicted me the next day. So I called the code officer and the place needs to be red-tagged. The code officer didnt because I have 2 small kids and no where to go. So last night the landlord came to my house saying I have 5 days to get out because I got him in trouble with the code officer. What shoud I do?
I have been havin probs with my landlord for quite some time. about 7 mo ago I had to call the gas company to come investigate a gas smell, and found that the furnace had a gas leak, and the furnace was red-tagged. I called the landlord that night, and he did not answer the phone, so I left a message on his work, home and cell phones to tell him about it. I was also told at that time, by the gas company, that the landlord is using my gas and water for the other apartment. The land lord did nothin about it but got smart with me for calling the gas company. I decided then, that after he done nothing for all the other problems in the house (roof leaking, celing in bedroom colapsing, porch falling apart, bathroom sink leaking, water lines broken, water running out of hot water tank, celing in living room falling apart, furnace, etc.) that I was not going to pay rent until things were repaired. I wrote him a note stating everything that needs to be done, and told him I was withholding rent. He evicted me the next day. So I called the code officer and the place needs to be red-tagged. The code officer didnt because I have 2 small kids and no where to go. So last night the landlord came to my house saying I have 5 days to get out because I got him in trouble with the code officer. What shoud I do?