I was recently charged with a dui in Calif. After considerable research I retained what I believed to be a very competent law firm. I paid a $5500 for their service. My problem is this; during the initial consultation I was their resources included experts in various fields that would be utilized in my defense, that my attorney had excellent credentials, they had never had any complaints, and so forth. But what I really got was phone calls never returned, a pre-trial hearing 2 weeks after the arraignment, an offer of reckless driving, and lots of encouragement to take this excellent offer. It was stated that no discovery had been done(not enough time),if I didn't take this plea now I would have to go to trial. But they were unable to advise me(is this a defensible case?(no info). Then comes a per se hearing. Held on the phone rather than in person, docu. not submitted in a timely manner, and the officer was never questioned. Admin. per se upheld .08. I feel raped, lied to, cheated. I don't know what else to do. I can appeal per se at about another $4000. I can't afford this. I'm now unemployed because of this. Any advice would be appreciated