Junior Member
PA. hi i am a union delegate in a hospital in philadelphia. my department has decided to "reorganize" and presented to us a "reorganization" plan. this plan included "new" jobs (these were jobs that we do but they might have added one thing to one position and taken something and giving to another position,). we would end up about 8 people less than we have now. the management came to the union and presented there plan to implement the jobs. there were going to "map" people into positions which that they were close to what people were doing now and we have a bumping clause in our contract which is based upon skill, ability and seniority and both partieis agreed to this process and this was supposed to happen but it did not. the implementation of the "reorganization" was to be started on 2/26/06. nothing happened. then on march 9 a memo was sent out that management decided to post the jobs which meant we all had to apply and interview for. they did give us first pick. the union has since filed a grievance with regards to them reniging on the agreement but the grievancce is a class action in a third step which is with the Human Resources department so it will end up in arbitration. since arbitration can take a long time to get a hearing and this department is trying to make these changes by 4/9/06 is there any court order we could get to stop the changes from taken place until we get an arbitration hearing?