I live in the state of Florida. I was previously employed and and on what they call " lay off". I have a letter written by my supervisor that i was layed of due to lack of business. I question this because i have worked for this company for 6 years, making me an employee that had seniority over all other employees, doing the same job as I , except for 1 who has been employed there longer. I have had no written warnings, or any other reasons that would have made me the one to lay off. All i can this is that I was discriminated against after this chain of events occurred. On March 17, 2001, I had slipped and fell, on a faulty rug, which was placed on a varnished wood floor. My supervisor informed me that " oh i almost slipped and fell in that same place 3 times yesterday" I questioned why nothing was done about this, if she knew there was a problem, my question was just dismissed. I was off the next day , March 18, 2001. Then on Monday morning March 19, 2001. I called into my supervisor that i needed to take that day off to go see my doctor about my injury. She then said "oh i think the owner made out a report about the accident i will have to see" No other action was taken by my employer to help me seek medical assistance. I went to my own doctor. I sought my own medical assitance because i was in fear of losing my job. During this time another employee, had a family emergency and had to leave state for aprox. 3 weeks. I had returned to work, after missing my one day for my dr.s appts. As soon as this employee returned to work, the next day i was notified of my lay off. This employee had only worked for the compmpany aprox 3 months. After my lay off i had to report to the employee leasing company, who wondered why a report on my accident had not been made.My employer made one after i was layed off and submitted it to the leasing company, I was still under my doctors care , so i then asked them what I could do now since i was layed off, they got me a drs appt, thru the wormans comp, I am able to work, after my fall at work, i was treated differently than everyone else, midweek schedule changes, called in to work on days off, and treated hostily by my supervisors. After i fell everything seemed to change. Is there any legal recourse for this kind of discrimination? My lay off occurred on April 18, 2001. thanks, Lisa