Thank you for your advice. I must clairify, I am the defendant. I can not get an attorney on a contingency basis I have tried for almost a week. Which i understand. I am the one being sued. If anything I will be the one paying through the nose if a judgement is rendered. I guess the attorney's feel in my case if they dont get a retainer upfront they may never get paid at all. I have already been informed that these cases are difficult for both sides and very stressful. Last but not least, extremely costly. I am scared because I have no idea what to expect. I was stunned to learn that if a judgement is obtained againsed me in the end, that I can not discharge the judgement through bankruptcy. Apparently, if the courts determine I did this act intentionally, then I can not declare this in a bankruptcy petition. Therefore, i am stuck with this hanging over my head for about 20 years. One question I hope that some forum members can answer for me is: The fact that a lawsuit has been commenced/ filed, do you feel that the opposing party/ the attorney for the petitioner already has pretty strong evidence againsed me. I was told Yes by some. they tell me the attorney would never file the suit if they felt it could not be proven. That being said, doesn't the opposing party have to inform me that they are gathering evidence behind my back. As far as supboenas, obtaining statements and other documentation. Is it legal to obtain all of this without telling me first?? How long could a case of this nature take? Would it be risky for me to attempt to represent myself. I really know nothing about law. Any helpful advice is welcome.