Currently we are leasing a business computer from Gateway since 1999 with payments in good standing. However, this equipment was stolen in april 2000 and has all of the necessary reportings that was required from the insurance agency. As result an unwanted replacement computer was sent to us. We have contacted gateway's insurance rep. and notified them in writing that this replacement was not the original leased computer in our contract. The insurance agency replied Gateway no longer carry the original computer and the replacement was eqvilant, closed and paid for by the insurance agency. Sending this equipment back and a second letter expressing we sould have had option to the type of replacment computer within price range and how our company do not purchase intergrated parts due to the fact that if one component break all of the other attached conponents would break also. The insurance rep. last response was that this was a final decision and that they would not be responsible for the replacment computer that was sent back to them and that We would be responsible for any return shipping cost. Fact, this dispute started Feb. 2001 ending March 2001, currently we do not have the computer and this replacement was a lower amount then the original contract and we have never recieved changes in our leasing agreement also we are yet sending our payments without the equipment. Is the insurance rep. handeling this matter legally? Are they breaching this contract? Is it possible we can make them give us what we want? Can we stop sending payments? What should we do?
Thank you,
[Edited by ptlval on 06-19-2001 at 07:43 AM]
Thank you,
[Edited by ptlval on 06-19-2001 at 07:43 AM]