leased new car in florida in 1998 for 3 years. Lease company went bankrupt(Lendco), other agency took over but does not have licence to sell cars. I want to purchase the car now per the contract "as is" for $275 + car value + tax aggreed to in lease. New lease company says I must have a dealer perform the transaction. Delear say I must sell the car back to him, he needs to inspect/recondition/ and fix any problems he finds and then he can sell it back to me. Delear says it will be about an additional $1000+ repairs. Is there any thing I can do? New lease company says they can't do anything about it. It seems like Fraud. New lease company is not living up to the contract I signed. Can they do this? Is there some law in Florida that the delear nust warrenty a car he sells?