just returned from my small claims hearing here in california regarding being sued for the costs of repairing the automobile of the person who hit my dog. according to california law (IAAL was right) my dog was unrestrained and therefor i am liable not only for the repairs, but also the rental car, and court costs. thanks Halket for the tips, but this judge would hear nothing. so i am inviting all of you to come to california. don't get me wrong, I love animals; our home is a menagerie, but i am also a capitalist. come to california. here you can drive around, find licensed, leashless dogs, hit them with your car, sue the owner in small claims court and make out like a bandit. this certainly has been an educational experience. we are going to keep a leash on all of our pets, even in the house in case someone crashes through the wall and hits my dog again. what a state! what a country. rotfl to the tune of $987.87.