im in ny state, looking at that chart there are no current laws only proposed laws. im guessing the criminal charges wont stick and it will end up being a violation of some type. i was charged with 260-10, but i doubt that's going to stick. i do need a lawyer, i have no priors. in the era i grew up it was commonplace for kids to be left in a car for a few minutes, my own parents left me in the car a number of times when i was a child i am sure of that. does that mean im going to do this again...... heck no, im only going to take my kids in public now only when absolutely necessary, and when it is nessary i wont leave them in the car under any circumstances. i can see the next thing happening, disciplining the kids in public and having the cops called yet again (even if its only verbal discipline ). im done with out society i will do my job and go home, order what i need to live from home except for the groceries and gas in the car. i will pickup what i need BEFORE i get my kids from the babysitter (items for dinner, gas in the car). im really starting to hate our society.
i have always stayed out of trouble and kept my nose clean, i am 37 years old i have never been arrested. frankly if the cop just had a conversation with me about it, it would have been enough...... but NOPE they want my money. i made a judgement error as a parent but to turn that into a criminal matter when they were actually not in any danger.
btw the keys were in my pocket and not in the ignition, of course im not going to leave the keys in the car.
the thing about this i asked the cop what is the legal age to allow your child to stay in a car unattended, he did not know. if you dont know, how are you enforcing a law that you have no knowledge about?