We currently live in New York. After 15 years of marriage and three children later, my husband wants "OUT!" To say the least I'm currently working as a temp at a school. Our issue at home has always been money. Am I able to receive any part of his pension even though we will be legally separated? He seems to think not! However, he also seems to think that because he needs to pay off the loan he took from his pension to purchase the truck I currently drive, he feels that he should sell the truck and pay back the loan. Is is ok for him to do this? I need the vehicle to get back and forth to work. He also seems to think that I should pay him for the amount borrowed against the pension. My children are 15, 8, & 6. Not only will I receive child support, but will I receive alimony, even though I am temping? Thank you. Living under stressful circumstances and do want him OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!