Can anyone help me?
I recently bought a video on eBay. The program was an old ABC Afterschool Special.
When the video arrived, I found that the seller had videotaped the program off of Showtime, posted it for sale, and dubbed a copy from her original when I won the bid.
When I complained to her that it is illegal to sell dubs of copyrighted material, she replied:
"Television items are very tricky, because there are usually copyright laws, but certain things can legally be sold. This special was never released publically and falls under the Public Domain (PD) category. This means there are no copyrights and the items can legally be traded and sold."
Can you tell me if this is true? Is it legal for her to sell dubbed copies of old ABC programs? Is a program Public Domain simply because it was never released publically?
This is the SECOND video I have received from this seller like this; I bought one from her several months ago under a different screen name. I did not know I was buying from the same person until AFTER I won the bid.
The seller has already agreed to give me my money back. But that is not sufficient if this is illegal. If this is illegal, I want to post negative feedback, and do what I can to do to see that it stops.
I am in Virginia, and the seller is in Michigan.
I'd appreciate any good advice you offer.
Thank you!!
I recently bought a video on eBay. The program was an old ABC Afterschool Special.
When the video arrived, I found that the seller had videotaped the program off of Showtime, posted it for sale, and dubbed a copy from her original when I won the bid.
When I complained to her that it is illegal to sell dubs of copyrighted material, she replied:
"Television items are very tricky, because there are usually copyright laws, but certain things can legally be sold. This special was never released publically and falls under the Public Domain (PD) category. This means there are no copyrights and the items can legally be traded and sold."
Can you tell me if this is true? Is it legal for her to sell dubbed copies of old ABC programs? Is a program Public Domain simply because it was never released publically?
This is the SECOND video I have received from this seller like this; I bought one from her several months ago under a different screen name. I did not know I was buying from the same person until AFTER I won the bid.
The seller has already agreed to give me my money back. But that is not sufficient if this is illegal. If this is illegal, I want to post negative feedback, and do what I can to do to see that it stops.
I am in Virginia, and the seller is in Michigan.
I'd appreciate any good advice you offer.
Thank you!!