Dispute Resolution
If you believe your new vehicle is a lemon, look into dispute resolution. I am a judge on the Ford dispute resolution board in the midwest. Our board settles disputes between Ford motor company and consumers (vehicle still under the factory warranty). We have pretty much the ability to refund the price of the car, give out extended warranties, and many other compensations. Not all manufacturers have dispute resolution. Check the back of your warranty book (owner manual) for specific detail. Ford does subscribe to dispute resolution. The board members are not employees of Ford. No lawyers. Basically, just fill out the paperwork, mail it in and your case will be heard. Ford is bound by our decision, but the consumer is not. For example: If we decide that Ford must refund you money, Ford must do this. On the other hand if we rule that your claim has no merit, you are not bound by our decision. Overall, this process has no cost to the consumer and can many times solve what could be a very lengthy and costly process.