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LI application denial because of statement made during therapy

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Junior Member
My Life Insurance application was denied because a statement I made to my therapist.
Specifically; during a therapy session I made the comment that "I'm worried about my drinking and perhaps I might quit all together and attend AA meetings."
I ultimately decided that I could keep my drinking in check and would not take previously thought drastic steps.
When I applied for Life Insurance the company requested to contact my therapist.
To be honest and compliant, but also knowing that I had nothing to hide knowing my mental health was fine, I of course agreed.
My therapist provided the carrier with her session notes which included my conversation from months earlier concerning my drinking.
I received a denial of LI policy sighting: "Alcoholism and attendance at AA meetings"
I am a classic moderate social drinker.
I have two glasses of wine or beer approximately 2 to 3 times a week.
I have never attended an AA meeting, never been diagnosed with a drinking problem, never had a DUI or been arrested for any alcohol related incident. I have never been warned, advised, chastised or otherwise talked to by any family member, employer, or anyone else concerning my drinking.
Alcohol has never, ever had any negative effects on any aspects of my life.
Now I am labeled an alcoholic strictly because of a statement I made during a therapy session.
I am livid.
My therapist apologized to me and promised to "fix" this but isn't the damage already done?
What can I do to remove this falsehood from the public record that will be shared with every medical bureau?
This kind of thing would drive someone to drink.


Senior Member
I was a life insurance underwriter. What would help us reconsider our denial decision would be a letter over your signature (& dated) clarifying your alcohol use. We would also want a letter from the therapist clarifying the information in her original report if it was not correct. We would then review all info to see if a change in our original decision can be made.

You might talk to your ins. agt. & have them contact the co. to see what they would want to reconsider your denial.

If any information was wrong originally, our co. would correct any incorrect info furnished the MIB. (Medical Information Bureau) All companies should do this.


Junior Member
Thanks Betty

My Broker has applied to another company and after I asked my therapist to make amends to the follow up investigator, I fired her.
I always thought therapy was self indulgent and a waste of money.
Now I have an excuse to never go again.

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