Junior Member
Type: Defamation/Libel
Location: Goodhue County, Minnesota (Red Wing, 55066)
Current status: Case Inquiry
Purpose: To determine what I need/should to. If I have a valid case or should I peruse this or disregard this issue.
I am Beau and below you will find a brief run down of recent events since Sept 2, 2007. The below false statements resulted in an un-needed OFP/Family File case and the loss of permanent custody (for now temporary loss) of my daughter, un-needed cost, and un-warranted OFP and restraining orders.
Thank you
Overview and brief Rundown
FYI: "Accuser" is a recent ex-girlfriend who lived with me.
Sun, Sept 2:
1. Accuser arrives home after a 2.5 day party spree. She arrives home and we have consensual sex in the bathroom. Afterwards an argument about me speaking with her Ex-husband (I asked if accuser had a history of cheating or was promiscuous, she had been exhibiting many strange behaviors - long, long story).
Mon, Sept 3:
1. Arguing and bickering continue
Tues, Sept 4:
1. Finally I believe we resolve our argument
Wed, Sept 5:
1. Accuser talks to my ex-girl-fiend (mother of my child). They talk about me being "controlling". I guess this puts accuser over the edge
2. Accuser moves out, and moves into the women's shelter. Accuser has no real friends or family in the near area, her car can not drive more than a few miles to work and back. So the women's shelter was a "quick" fix. Accuser presumably tells the women's shelter that I had sexually assaulted her and physically abused her (in order to gain an immediate temporary place to live) and physically abused my daughter.
3. Since I was accused of physically abusing my daughter, the woman's shelter calls social services (as I later find out by my family lawyer).
Thurs, Sept 6:
1. I am contacted by Social services.
2. I leave work early to resolve this child issue, and meet with social services.
3. I call accuser and briefly speak to her about social services, I inform her that the locks have been changed and she needs to schedule a time to pick up the remainder of her stuff. She promptly texts back, "do not call or text me", in which I have honored. ($25.00 for different locks)
4. Accuser files a retraining order against me for "stalking" however the order reads "harassment". In this order are allegations of physical abuse, phone calls and text messages. (The phone calls and text messages were common and not unique to this day as it appears in the order. Physical abuse never happened. (nor sexual assault, that did not appear on the order).
Fri, Sept 7:
1. My child mother catches wind of this (perhaps social services) and she then files a restraining order, and OFP (for minor child)
2. As I arrive home from work I am served both Orders (5pm). I am not allowed to talk, see, contact my daughter nor anyone else. Court date set for Sept 14.
3. Accusers affidavit for my child's mother is extremely exaggerated truths and lies. Only fuels the reasoning and approval for the Emergency OFP
Mon, Sept 10:
1. I retain my family lawyer ($2000)
2. I tell my employer that I have had two restraining orders placed against me. (I am required to do this, as I work at a casino, and they are very strict about legal complications)
Thurs, Sept 13:
1. I find out that accuser has accused me of sexual assault from my family lawyer who in turns finds out from my child mother's lawyer
Fri, Sept 14:
1. Court: my child's mother and I come to an agreement, and I loose custody of my daughter (temporary [6 month review, for final order]). Under advice of my lawyer we do not speak of any accusations at all (to the court), and negotiate to come to an agreement between myself and my daughters mother. (I guess it is better for the judge not to hear such accusations, as he may deny me anthing)
2. Under the agreement, I have limited unsupervised visits with my daughter, I have to attend therapy (for anger, controlling, sexual issues). Also the OFP has been dropped and this new agreement is in its place. (however the accusers order is still in place)
I have many emails from accuser and myself where we are bickering. Briefly, and in depth touch upon many of the exaggerated and false topics the accuser has made, and in no email or instant message was there ever any word, hint, mention or sign of abuse or assault against/from me, or my daughter.
I have the the OFP (minor child), accusers Restraining order, email chats all in PDF form. I am wondering if I would have a valid case, and should pursue this. the accusers statements have resulted in the custody of my daughter being temporarily taken away for 6 months, and a significant monetary investment to retain a family lawyer for an otherwise unneeded court appearance.
I have 45 days to motion for a hearing for the accusers restraining order as of Sept 7 (expires about October 15)
Thank you for your time.
Location: Goodhue County, Minnesota (Red Wing, 55066)
Current status: Case Inquiry
Purpose: To determine what I need/should to. If I have a valid case or should I peruse this or disregard this issue.
I am Beau and below you will find a brief run down of recent events since Sept 2, 2007. The below false statements resulted in an un-needed OFP/Family File case and the loss of permanent custody (for now temporary loss) of my daughter, un-needed cost, and un-warranted OFP and restraining orders.
Thank you
Overview and brief Rundown
FYI: "Accuser" is a recent ex-girlfriend who lived with me.
Sun, Sept 2:
1. Accuser arrives home after a 2.5 day party spree. She arrives home and we have consensual sex in the bathroom. Afterwards an argument about me speaking with her Ex-husband (I asked if accuser had a history of cheating or was promiscuous, she had been exhibiting many strange behaviors - long, long story).
Mon, Sept 3:
1. Arguing and bickering continue
Tues, Sept 4:
1. Finally I believe we resolve our argument
Wed, Sept 5:
1. Accuser talks to my ex-girl-fiend (mother of my child). They talk about me being "controlling". I guess this puts accuser over the edge
2. Accuser moves out, and moves into the women's shelter. Accuser has no real friends or family in the near area, her car can not drive more than a few miles to work and back. So the women's shelter was a "quick" fix. Accuser presumably tells the women's shelter that I had sexually assaulted her and physically abused her (in order to gain an immediate temporary place to live) and physically abused my daughter.
3. Since I was accused of physically abusing my daughter, the woman's shelter calls social services (as I later find out by my family lawyer).
Thurs, Sept 6:
1. I am contacted by Social services.
2. I leave work early to resolve this child issue, and meet with social services.
3. I call accuser and briefly speak to her about social services, I inform her that the locks have been changed and she needs to schedule a time to pick up the remainder of her stuff. She promptly texts back, "do not call or text me", in which I have honored. ($25.00 for different locks)
4. Accuser files a retraining order against me for "stalking" however the order reads "harassment". In this order are allegations of physical abuse, phone calls and text messages. (The phone calls and text messages were common and not unique to this day as it appears in the order. Physical abuse never happened. (nor sexual assault, that did not appear on the order).
Fri, Sept 7:
1. My child mother catches wind of this (perhaps social services) and she then files a restraining order, and OFP (for minor child)
2. As I arrive home from work I am served both Orders (5pm). I am not allowed to talk, see, contact my daughter nor anyone else. Court date set for Sept 14.
3. Accusers affidavit for my child's mother is extremely exaggerated truths and lies. Only fuels the reasoning and approval for the Emergency OFP
Mon, Sept 10:
1. I retain my family lawyer ($2000)
2. I tell my employer that I have had two restraining orders placed against me. (I am required to do this, as I work at a casino, and they are very strict about legal complications)
Thurs, Sept 13:
1. I find out that accuser has accused me of sexual assault from my family lawyer who in turns finds out from my child mother's lawyer
Fri, Sept 14:
1. Court: my child's mother and I come to an agreement, and I loose custody of my daughter (temporary [6 month review, for final order]). Under advice of my lawyer we do not speak of any accusations at all (to the court), and negotiate to come to an agreement between myself and my daughters mother. (I guess it is better for the judge not to hear such accusations, as he may deny me anthing)
2. Under the agreement, I have limited unsupervised visits with my daughter, I have to attend therapy (for anger, controlling, sexual issues). Also the OFP has been dropped and this new agreement is in its place. (however the accusers order is still in place)
I have many emails from accuser and myself where we are bickering. Briefly, and in depth touch upon many of the exaggerated and false topics the accuser has made, and in no email or instant message was there ever any word, hint, mention or sign of abuse or assault against/from me, or my daughter.
I have the the OFP (minor child), accusers Restraining order, email chats all in PDF form. I am wondering if I would have a valid case, and should pursue this. the accusers statements have resulted in the custody of my daughter being temporarily taken away for 6 months, and a significant monetary investment to retain a family lawyer for an otherwise unneeded court appearance.
I have 45 days to motion for a hearing for the accusers restraining order as of Sept 7 (expires about October 15)
Thank you for your time.
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