I recently applied for life insurance and discovered I was positive for Hepatitis C. The life insurnace company then forwarded the lab results to MIB (Medical Information Burueau). Now, the fact that I am positive for Hep C is common knowledge to anyone that wants to know! I tried applying for major medical insurance afterwards and was told my rates would be almost double (which I can't afford) because I am Hep C positive, even though I have never been to a doctor for this condition nor do I have any pre-existing medical conditions. My liver enzymes are normal and I have never had any symptoms; i.e. I am extremely healthy and feel great. I'm very concerned because I am a single parent with no health insurance and can not afford the thousands of dollars needed to do a diagnostic workup, much less treatment. I have a great job that I love, but it's with a small employer that does not offer group medical coverage. I hate the thought of changing jobs, just to get insurance. It seems there must be some law that prohibits this kind of discremination and invasion of privacy. Please help.
I recently applied for life insurance and discovered I was positive for Hepatitis C. The life insurnace company then forwarded the lab results to MIB (Medical Information Burueau). Now, the fact that I am positive for Hep C is common knowledge to anyone that wants to know! I tried applying for major medical insurance afterwards and was told my rates would be almost double (which I can't afford) because I am Hep C positive, even though I have never been to a doctor for this condition nor do I have any pre-existing medical conditions. My liver enzymes are normal and I have never had any symptoms; i.e. I am extremely healthy and feel great. I'm very concerned because I am a single parent with no health insurance and can not afford the thousands of dollars needed to do a diagnostic workup, much less treatment. I have a great job that I love, but it's with a small employer that does not offer group medical coverage. I hate the thought of changing jobs, just to get insurance. It seems there must be some law that prohibits this kind of discremination and invasion of privacy. Please help.