Thank you Silverplum
Silverplum said:
Well, I wrote you a big ol' post, but you had closed the thread by the time I posted it. Pity.
Here's the gist of it:
When you type that we don't know what you've been through, you are sadly and deeply mistaken. We have been there, done that, bought the tshirt. We have been abused, lied to, beaten, had our children stolen, spent all of our money, etc. ad nauseum. We do know. That's why we help others.
You need to understand something about attorneys. Many are fine folk. All, pretty much, are very bright. Some will tell you what you want to hear in order to get your business. By all means, use your attorney and listen to him/her. But be aware of your own case and situation -- s/he may be wrong, or overly optomistic.
I was serious about the anger thing. You are clearly seething with rage. You'd be a lot better off, and happier, if you'd let it go.
This is the best response I have gotten. You are right I AM seething with rage. At times I DO let it go and then they do something else to start the whole thing over again. It's really hard to let it go when it's a constant thing. It reminds me of my older brothers when I was a kid and they would pin me down on the floor and continuously poke me in the forehead over and over and over until I finally freaked out enough to get free of them and fling something at them in my rage. LOL There was not one picture frame in our house that had any glass left in it.
I also understand what you are saying about attorneys and telling you what you want to hear. That is why I came on this site attempting to clarify what he told me.
The thing is, I get frustrated when people insult ME because they don't seem to be understanding my side of the issue. I didn't come here for insults, I came here for advice. If I wanted insults, I'd call my X's GF.
What I was saying all along in that post was that I was billing him but did not expect the money and was not intending to take him to court for it. I was just trying to prove a point to him that if I'm being good about this, why can't he be?
I now what the legalities are. I know that if billed I have to pay...and I DID pay BEFORE being billed.
I have been in emotional turmoil for the last 3 and 1/2 years wondering why we can't all just get along but have finally realized that is not going to happen unless the counceling does something to help that.
The money isn't the "real" issue here. The issue is THEY are retaliating against me because they can't control me. Should I just sit there and allow them to crap all over me and do nothing?
I shield my son as much as I can from all of the tension between his father and I. My son tells me that his father doesn't love him as much as GF and I tell him that is not true, his father loves him very much. I tell him what a good person his father is and that he just has a lot to do and that is why he doesn't spend as much time with him as he used to. I reassure him that in time, things will work out.
On the other side, my son comes home from visitation and tells me about how his father was walking around screaming bad things about me and calling me names in front of him.
The issues they keep bringing up are things that my son said 2 years ago! Admittedly they were very bad things to say but he's been paying for it ever since. I'm wondering when they're going to let that go.
Ok...Now Grow Up can say I'm babbling.
Anyway, All I want is peace and for all of us to get along like we used to. That is ALL I have ever wanted.
I don't want the money, I don't need the money. I don't give a hoot about the money. I just want a peaceful life without all of the constant harrassment.