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Lost mom and dad

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Virginia

On Sept 4 i was at my job when i received a phone call from CPS stating that they were placing me on call that there was an anonymous call from someone stating that my husband had sexually molested my 3 daughters.. she then said that they wanted to meet with me and my children and i gave the lady my cell phone number not 10 minutes later my cell phone rang and it was the worker telling me that i had 20 minutes to bring my daughters to the police station .
I complied and went and got my daughters and went straight there . when i got there , there was a detective there and the social worker was not there yet . she got there about 4 pm. They told me that they would have to talk to my daughters with out me there so i told them to have it ... they talked to them all seperately .
when they were done talking to them they said that they wanted to talk to me , again i complied and we went into a interrogation room where again they said that there was an anonymous call saying that my husband had sexually molested my daughters ... they asked if i believed this was true to which i replied No way in H*ll that he would ever do that ..
they then asked me if there was anyone that would be able to keep my kids .. i told them that my sister in Nebraska would ( she is there god mother ) the social worker and the officer told me to call my sister so i did the social worker said that would be fine my sister jumped in her truck pulled out of her driveway .. as soon as the social worker found out that it would take my sister 12 hours to get here the social worker changed her tune and said no ..
the social worker said that there had to be a closer family member and if there was not then they were placing my 3 girls in foster care ..since my sister is the closest to me there was nothing i could do .. they took them that day and told me i was free to go i asked to see my babies one more time and they let me ,, after about 5 minutes of holding and hugging and kissing 2 of my 3 daughters they told me to make it easier on myself and my daughters and get up and leave so i did .
i headed for the nearest exit and within an instant there was a cop in front of me and one behind me asking me if i was ok and if i was going to hurt myself i said no i just want to go home .. please let me go home .. you told me i was free to go .. they detained me anyway
said that my husband was there ,, i asked to talk to him and they said that i could as soon as they were done questioning him . i went into the break room where they wanted me to go . sat down in the corner on the floor and was crying a few minutes later they said that there was a lady there to talk to me from a counceling agency and they said to follow them . so i got up and followed them they placed me in a jail cell and left me there with my shoes and shoe laces intact .. ( apparently they told the councelor that i was suicidal ) the lady never did talk to me let alone show ..
so i sat in the jail cell for 6 hours . Meanwhile they had questioned my husband for an hour and then told him that he was free to go and that the same lady from the councelling agency was going to come talk to him about me and that i was not there and that i was in 1 of 2 mental hospitals ..
he would have to wait on her to get there and she would tell him more .. he sat out front in the waiting area of the police station for 4 hours waiting and she still had not shown up .. about 9 pm an officer informed me that she was on her way to talk to me that she would be there in about 15 -20 minutes .. so i waited and again she did not show .. they told my husband the same thing and that if he wanted to he could go grab a quick bite to eat or a drink or something .. so he took them at there word and went to get him something to drink ..
as soon as he walked out and left they came to the cell and told me that i was going to a mental hospital and hand cuffed me and told me that if i resisted they would taser me .. so i did not resist .
they next day my husband and a long time family friend came to the mental hospital and i was released at 5 pm . On Sept 8 we went and spoke to a lawyer and was told that social services had 5 day to file a petition with the courts . and that it was there job to let us know when the court date was ... to which they did not let us know anything. Thank god we took the lawyers advice to goto the court house the next day to see if anything was filed. when we went down there they told us the court date was Sept 10 at 12:30 so we to the courthouse 30 minutes early and sat there for an hour only to find out that it was continued until later that day ..
we went home and waited til 30 minutes before the next hearing and went back .. when the case was called the lawyer for social services was not there so we had to wait for her .. when she got there they said that there was an ongoing investigation and that it was an allegation of but NO CHARGES have been filed .. they are apparently basing this on an allegation .. it has been a week since social services took my 3 girls and i have not seen them , heard from them ,,, nothing ..
on September 8 my kids schools called me and asked if my kids were sick and why were they not in school ? i told them what had happened and they said that they were not notified either so they have not been in school since Sept 4 ...

What are my rights as there mother ? what is there fathers rights since there have been no charges filed? why are they holding my girls for another 75 days ?what can i do to see my girls ?


Senior Member
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Virginia

On Sept 4 i was at my job when i received a phone call from CPS stating that they were placing me on call that there was an anonymous call from someone stating that my husband had sexually molested my 3 daughters.. she then said that they wanted to meet with me and my children and i gave the lady my cell phone number not 10 minutes later my cell phone rang and it was the worker telling me that i had 20 minutes to bring my daughters to the police station .
I complied and went and got my daughters and went straight there . when i got there , there was a detective there and the social worker was not there yet . she got there about 4 pm. They told me that they would have to talk to my daughters with out me there so i told them to have it ... they talked to them all seperately .
when they were done talking to them they said that they wanted to talk to me , again i complied and we went into a interrogation room where again they said that there was an anonymous call saying that my husband had sexually molested my daughters ... they asked if i believed this was true to which i replied No way in H*ll that he would ever do that ..
they then asked me if there was anyone that would be able to keep my kids .. i told them that my sister in Nebraska would ( she is there god mother ) the social worker and the officer told me to call my sister so i did the social worker said that would be fine my sister jumped in her truck pulled out of her driveway .. as soon as the social worker found out that it would take my sister 12 hours to get here the social worker changed her tune and said no ..
the social worker said that there had to be a closer family member and if there was not then they were placing my 3 girls in foster care ..since my sister is the closest to me there was nothing i could do .. they took them that day and told me i was free to go i asked to see my babies one more time and they let me ,, after about 5 minutes of holding and hugging and kissing 2 of my 3 daughters they told me to make it easier on myself and my daughters and get up and leave so i did .
i headed for the nearest exit and within an instant there was a cop in front of me and one behind me asking me if i was ok and if i was going to hurt myself i said no i just want to go home .. please let me go home .. you told me i was free to go .. they detained me anyway
said that my husband was there ,, i asked to talk to him and they said that i could as soon as they were done questioning him . i went into the break room where they wanted me to go . sat down in the corner on the floor and was crying a few minutes later they said that there was a lady there to talk to me from a counceling agency and they said to follow them . so i got up and followed them they placed me in a jail cell and left me there with my shoes and shoe laces intact .. ( apparently they told the councelor that i was suicidal ) the lady never did talk to me let alone show ..
so i sat in the jail cell for 6 hours . Meanwhile they had questioned my husband for an hour and then told him that he was free to go and that the same lady from the councelling agency was going to come talk to him about me and that i was not there and that i was in 1 of 2 mental hospitals ..
he would have to wait on her to get there and she would tell him more .. he sat out front in the waiting area of the police station for 4 hours waiting and she still had not shown up .. about 9 pm an officer informed me that she was on her way to talk to me that she would be there in about 15 -20 minutes .. so i waited and again she did not show .. they told my husband the same thing and that if he wanted to he could go grab a quick bite to eat or a drink or something .. so he took them at there word and went to get him something to drink ..
as soon as he walked out and left they came to the cell and told me that i was going to a mental hospital and hand cuffed me and told me that if i resisted they would taser me .. so i did not resist .
they next day my husband and a long time family friend came to the mental hospital and i was released at 5 pm . On Sept 8 we went and spoke to a lawyer and was told that social services had 5 day to file a petition with the courts . and that it was there job to let us know when the court date was ... to which they did not let us know anything. Thank god we took the lawyers advice to goto the court house the next day to see if anything was filed. when we went down there they told us the court date was Sept 10 at 12:30 so we to the courthouse 30 minutes early and sat there for an hour only to find out that it was continued until later that day ..
we went home and waited til 30 minutes before the next hearing and went back .. when the case was called the lawyer for social services was not there so we had to wait for her .. when she got there they said that there was an ongoing investigation and that it was an allegation of but NO CHARGES have been filed .. they are apparently basing this on an allegation .. it has been a week since social services took my 3 girls and i have not seen them , heard from them ,,, nothing ..
on September 8 my kids schools called me and asked if my kids were sick and why were they not in school ? i told them what had happened and they said that they were not notified either so they have not been in school since Sept 4 ...

What are my rights as there mother ? what is there fathers rights since there have been no charges filed? why are they holding my girls for another 75 days ?what can i do to see my girls ?
You really NEED to get an attorney. Like NOW.

Either your daughters said something to the social worker that caused him/her to believe that your husband might really be molesting them, (and that you won't protect them from your husband) or they are acting way out of line.

In either instance, you NEED an attorney to help you with this. You simply cannot handle this on your own.

You may have to choose between your children and your husband.

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