About a month ago I was seen at my dermotologist to have some routine "skin Tags" removed. One he removed by "freezing" the two he he had his "tech" remove by cutting.
(Previously, I have had some Skin Tags removed by this physican about two years ago. At which time he used only the "freezing method" and I received excellent results.)
However, the two that were removed by using the "cutting method" preformed by his "tech" left noticable and sizeable scars. These skin tags are located on the upper left side of my chest (just below the collar bone) and are very noticeable when wearing any sort of open necked apparel.
I did see the dermotologist 2 weeks ago in which he injected a steriod into each scar to try to minimize the scar tissue build up and redness. I told him about my displeasure with the outcome. I showed him the great result I got from the one he froze and asked him how come the two that were cut off left noticable scars. He at that time e that he didn't remember what the two skin tags looked like.
He also stated that if the steriod didn't work that I might have to have them lasered.
It has been 2 weeks with little improvement and I'm afraid to go back to him for fear that the result of the laser would leave more scar tissue ending up in a much poorer result.
I feel this Dr didn't perform a "standard of care" by using poor judgement in his choice of removal of my skin tags. In his area of expertise, it is his job to chose the approprate procedure that will give the patient the best result. He should have reviewed my past records to find what procedure gave me the best results. He also failed by not reviewing the "techs" work before I left the office that day.
I was wondering if my situation falls into a case for malpractice and if I have any type of recourse.
Although it's not a life and death situation, its still a very heart felt one every time I look in the mirror.
Thank you for your time
(Previously, I have had some Skin Tags removed by this physican about two years ago. At which time he used only the "freezing method" and I received excellent results.)
However, the two that were removed by using the "cutting method" preformed by his "tech" left noticable and sizeable scars. These skin tags are located on the upper left side of my chest (just below the collar bone) and are very noticeable when wearing any sort of open necked apparel.
I did see the dermotologist 2 weeks ago in which he injected a steriod into each scar to try to minimize the scar tissue build up and redness. I told him about my displeasure with the outcome. I showed him the great result I got from the one he froze and asked him how come the two that were cut off left noticable scars. He at that time e that he didn't remember what the two skin tags looked like.
He also stated that if the steriod didn't work that I might have to have them lasered.
It has been 2 weeks with little improvement and I'm afraid to go back to him for fear that the result of the laser would leave more scar tissue ending up in a much poorer result.
I feel this Dr didn't perform a "standard of care" by using poor judgement in his choice of removal of my skin tags. In his area of expertise, it is his job to chose the approprate procedure that will give the patient the best result. He should have reviewed my past records to find what procedure gave me the best results. He also failed by not reviewing the "techs" work before I left the office that day.
I was wondering if my situation falls into a case for malpractice and if I have any type of recourse.
Although it's not a life and death situation, its still a very heart felt one every time I look in the mirror.
Thank you for your time